Dear God


January 28, 2023

Dear God,

       I always begin my year with a letter for you, but not on this year. I am sorry if I was 27 days late of writing a letter for you, my greatest love. Lord, I love you with all my life. 

      God, I just want to thank you for being a good Father, Lover and a Best friend on the year 2022. I had been blessed with a lot of things, I had been blessed by good people around me and for my family who is always there. Thank you Lord for my partner, Franz. Thank you Lord for giving him to me. Lord, he is loving and treating me right. What more could I ask for?

    God, lately, I have been becoming anxious of my future. God, I know your plans are good, pleasing and perfect. But why am I still worrying? I should not be worrying because, I trust you. You are my faithful and loving Father.

  Lord, you have seen my mess yet you still love me completely. Your love towards me did not lessen regardless of what I do that is not pleasing in Your eyes. Lord, I am sorry for failing you all the time. 

  Lord, how great is your love. It is so great that until I die, I will still worship You.

  Lord, until I have my own family. I won't stop sharing you with them. Lord, my love for you is endless. 

 Lord, thank you for being with me when my thoughts are telling me that I am alone. Although people are there for me. Sometimes I think, there is lacking in me and that is you in my heart to complete it. Because of many things, I have been distracted in focusing my eyes on you. Lord, I love you. 

Many times, you are blessing me with a lot of things and I just wonder why? Lord? are you joking me? I am not pleasing you all the time and yet you still love me. Lord even before I do things that hurts your feelings, you have already good plans for me. Lord, why? Why do you favor me that much if I hurt you? Lord, in this season, I am seeing that you never change. You are the God that I knew from the beginning and you haven't change anything. Lord thank you for being so good even when I am not.

Lord, I entrust you my family, friends, and the love of my life that you continue to be with us. Strengthen us, be our guide, be our protector. You are our forever Savior. You are so faithful. You are so loving and I am saying this with all my heart. This year, I won't stop believing you. And I will always remind myself of who You are. 

God, this is from your loving daughter Alyssa, telling you that I will love you forevermore. 


Your sweet child,

Alyssa <333


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